Tuesday, June 05, 2007


buying shoes for a gift isn't easy.
nor is it a great idea.

unless the giftee is 94, classy, and yearns to look good in some nifty shoes while she lives out her last months.

i've admired my auntie lee's style since i was a little kid. i remember the first time i noticed her trendy liz claiborne outfits, impeccably complemented by her smart shoes, and impressively current for a woman living in the middle of the country.

i remember her encouraging me to try on her shoes, and giggling as i clomped around in her high heels. when i was a teenage, her shoes almost fit. once she gave me a pair, convinced i could wear them if i stuffed some kleenex in the toes.

it was just 2 years ago she downsized dramatically her impressive collection of 60. and now, suffering from swollen feet, she's having a hard time finding fashionable shoes that provide stability and can slip on and off with ease.

when she admired my shoes the other day, i had an idea. what if i bought her a stylish pair that met her specific criteria? with laptops and cell phones, my sister and i took to the task of finding our sweet auntie some shoes she can use.

our criteria took on labels: mary janes, velcro, lightweight, closed back, wide sole.

we mulled over conservative shoes, we considered deliciously irresponsible shoes, and we pro'd and conned. after much conversation, we found a pair. part conservative, part fun, and presumably usable, she gets them tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

nice! these seem perfect.

Sharon Eiler said...

I love it!

And get on those photos of the new pad, please. :)

Hope to see you soon. Sorry we'll miss you this weekend . . .


sarah said...

hi sharon!
yeah, bummer you won't be around, but cool that we'll likely meet up in sf soon-ish.