i've never felt a need to share an IM exchange, but this one was too rich. and i've never burst into tears at work from laughing so hard:
(note the "***" for the expletive)
Ryan says:
david's hair is a continual source of amazement and joy for me.
Ryan says:
it keeps getting more profound.
swash says:
i can't stop laughing
swash says:
my co-workers think i've lost my mind
Ryan says:
swash says:
one just stopped by and was frightened by the tears streaming down my face
Ryan says:
swash says:
he's one of the more fragile peeps around here, but STILL
swash says:
i'm glad you appreciate his hair. he often asks me if it's too crazy, and i don't know what to say... i mean, i LOVE it, and i think i'm not a good judge of crazy, or hippie, or...
Ryan says:
i think it's TOTALLY F***ING AWESOME.
Ryan says:
i don't just think that, i KNOW it.
"Ryan says: it keeps getting more profound."
You know what he really wanted to say? "It keeps getting more epic!"
epic is a good word to describe it. if only all of us could use words like that to describe our 'do.
actually, ryan's do isn't half bad!
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