Thursday, December 27, 2007

a year in flickr

i'm amazed and perplexed by my friends and family who craft holiday cards that recreate an entire year of events. are their lives that eventful? do they live out the year, taking notes of things worthy of christmas card remembrances? or do they perhaps keep a calendar of these things, and consult it whilst putting pen to paper?

i don't do any of the above mentioned, but since i've lately been of the challenging ilk, here's my go of it:

2007: a walk down memory lane

JANUARY: my good friend hollis and i traipsed barefoot on near-empty kauai beaches. and... in T minus 9 days, we'll do it again!

FEBRUARY: our buddy lee lefever showed up on the scene for a fun, mildly raucous, and thought-provoking visit. mid-month, i left behind my flaneur lifestyle, and entered the world of the workaday set, happily joining the smart folks at techsoup. still happy after almost a year... :)

MARCH: ahhh, ¡España magnífica! david and i traveled to spain, and spent a magical week with friends, learning about food, drink, and history. it was an incredible trip!

APRIL: our good friends jay and anastasia came through san francisco to see old buddies, to catch up on the city's creperie scene, and to support jay's cousin's first novel (read it before the sequel hits!). wine stashes were depleted, new-to-us restaurants were enjoyed, and we now await their next visit.

MAY: this month comprised fun and bittersweet moments. first the fun: a communications conference was held in the city, which meant many colleagues, and most importantly, close friends, showed up in town. on one night, we hosted a dinner party, where we commingled past, present, and future friends. soon after, david and i flew to nebraska to see my sweet auntie lee, who at 94, was just beginning to experience health issues connected to terminal cancer. it was a bittersweet visit, one filled with laughter and tears. i miss her.

JUNE: a much awaited and celebrated visit from mom and dad! we had a terrific time, visiting what seemed like every corner of this urban playland, focusing on what mom and dad termed, "our san francisco."

JULY: a crazy-making and eventful month, we flew to vashon island to see lynne and chris make it official, turned eastward to attend a mini-family reunion, and then moved our belongings and kitty cat to our new pad.

AUGUST: we didn't fly anywhere and no one visited. :)

SEPTEMBER: i took a 2-week trip on a bookmobile!

OCTOBER: lynne and chris visit! as our second visitors to the new pad (mom beat them by 48 hours), they both enjoyed, and played a part in, the demise of our air mattress (public apology to them, and to jay b, who slept on our floor, twice).

NOVEMBER: i traveled to seattle and saw lynne and hollis, my stitch crew, and i met my dear friends' new family. AND, we got married. :)

DECEMBER: after the whirlwind of november, david and i chilled, mostly, in the city. we bought our first tree together, and are enjoying a relaxing holiday at home.

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