Thursday, October 18, 2007


nene has fleas. and it sucks.

i'm ridden with guilt and she's, well... ridden, too. first i gave her some mildly toxic stuff that messed with her head big time, and didn't mess enough with the other stuff enough. i've been holding out on the toxic stuff (advantage) that works well, because it really IS toxic and scary.

but here i am, a week later (since i found out--i fear she's been dealing with this for weeks), and she's still itchy and licking off her fur near her privates (poor dear) and mom will be in town soon, and then lynne and chris, and i can't have a buggy itchy licky kitty at the same time, so i'm seriously considering the toxic stuff complemented by a serious scrub down of the pad to boot.

ideas? suggestions? condolences?


Anonymous said...

i think you should use advantage - it's worked in the past and it seems to have worked for most of the people we spoke with. it will most likely wipe her out (she'll probably want to sleep for two days straight) but hopefully it will also wipe out the bugz.

sarah said...

thanks, i needed a lil' nudge and now i feel better about it.

now i wish you were here to make her not hate me so much. she's not crazy about all of the combing going on, even though it helps.

jewlee said...

Are you still giving her garlic? Please do...and maybe up the dosage. Also Beark, don't feel guilt about the chemy stuff. Sometimes you just have to use it. Just keep her on the garlic too. It'll be good for her immune system with the chemy stuff. I love you

jini said...

i agree with all the above.....nanny knows you love her and sometimes the cure is worse than the disease or so it seems. itching all the time sounds pretty bad however, and she obviously is pretty miserable. being a good mommie means being in charge sometimes, and making her take her medicine. i agree with jewlee that you should continue the garlic. love you and nanny too.

sarah said...

i'm giving her garlic, although the "oderless" part is only odor-free when the caplet isn't dissolved. i accidentally bought caplets with gel inside, but i dissolve it in boiling water the night before and pour it in, and the for her other meal, i let it dissolve in the remaining 1/2 can during the day. she doesn't LOVE it, but she's eating it. i'll keep her on it. she takes 2 pills a day, and for humans, the indication is 4, so she's getting a lot.

thanks for all of the encouragement. i'm going to get the stuff soon.

sarah said...

i gave her the stuff about 30 minutes ago, and after accepting a treat from me, she's managed to dig herself under the covers on the bed... deep. the stuff will kill just about everything within 2 hours and that's when the cleaning and the changing of the bed stuff will begin. did laundry this morn, and have clean stuff waiting in the wings. whew. fingers crossed all will be cool.

Anonymous said...

any updates?

Anonymous said...

This sucks. We just had our 2nd episode of fleas (the 1st was 6 years ago). Abby the dog was miserable, I was pissed off spending an ENTIRE day vacuuming and at the laundromat (where they DO NOT serve beer ). After much consideration and guilty feelings (for the health of my animals and little people)-I went all chemical. The natural food store recommended lavendar-so I did that as well. Abby had no ill effects from the treatment (she went to the vet for a bath). My outdoor kitties now have chemicals on their necks. And I have no fleas in my bed. My great aunt Lizzie sprinkled dry yeast on her kitty food monthly and swore it prevented fleas-do you know anything about this?


sarah said...

well, she's still itchy and full of trepidation around me, but no side effects of the stuff. she sat on me recently, and started to bathe, and when i tried to stand up, she put out her claws and them jumped down, AND THEN i saw (pretty sure) a flea on ME. that's the first time. dang.

sarah said...

hi pattie!

YES. her holistic vet (who would be horrified that i gave her the chems) suggested sprinkling brewer's yeast on her food, but offered garlic as a more proven remedy. i didn't get around to buying the yeast, but i think i might. she has tired of the garlic, and has resorted to howling near her food and waiting at the door for david to come home.

sarah said...

sweet, sweet, advantage.
just when i started to worry that it wasn't doing its sadistic thing...

i heard nene getting into something, and found her on the fireplace mantel--somewhere she ain't supposed to be. she's been so miserable, i let her stay, and when i looked into her eyes to tell her the bugs would be dead soon, i saw one on the mantel, twirling its nerve gas dance.

never thought that'd make me smile.

jini said...

"twirling in its nerve gas dance"....i like it! if you can be poetic in this time of crisis, there is hope. carry on kid! love you

Anonymous said...

We have TWO cats.
We have ONE mouse.
Our cats are apparently worthless.
Dan has gone to the store to find something called a "have a heart" trap. Kenzie is horrified that I suggested the cats should try to catch the mouse. Maya is excited and thinks we should put him in a cage like the guinea pig at school.
I will keep you updated! :)